Thursday, March 6, 2008


Panasonic, 一個香港出名嘅牌子,譯做樂聲又者聲寶。不約而同地有個聲字,好明顯同 sonic 有關。但 Pana 係乜呢? 最後一個字母 a, 係一個 filler. Pan- 解作全部 (all). 例如:

Pan-Democrats - 泛民主派
Panorama - 全境圖
Pantone - 彩通, 一種配色系統,意譯: 全色,即係乜顏色都可以配到嘅系統

咁 Panasonic, 意譯: 全聲,理論上可能响聲音嘅質素係非常好
講開聲,Sony 都同聲有關,意譯: 有聲感的

Monday, May 21, 2007


今日考車 Pass 咗,跟住個師傅問玩唔玩埋個「金牌路路通」,嘅然隻牌話話可以玩吓嘅,咪陪佢玩囉。

The Page of Swords asks you to embrace these difficult situations. Think of them as trials designed to test your mettle. If you accept and prevail, you will become stronger and more resilient. In meeting these challenges, you are encouraged to use the tools of the Swords suit - honest, reason, integrity and fortitude.

The Page of Swords can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve truthfulness, ethical behavior, discouragement or matters of the mind. This relationship is likely to be troubled or difficult in keeping with the challenges of the Swords suit.

Sometimes the Page of Swords implies that your entire situation is one suffused with the spirit of learning, discovery, and mental activities of all kinds. At such times, use your mind and enjoy the delights of the intellect.

Monday, May 14, 2007


睇見呢隻牌,直覺上係指好多誘惑,但如果依書直說,就係要保持亂中有序,維持平衡,又或者... 清理吓間房...

When the Seven of Cups appears in a reading, it is important to look carefully at how disordered your situation is. Is everything too controlled and regular? Perhaps you need to let things fall apart a little. When a rigid system breaks up, there can be a tremendous release of creativity. The man on the Seven of Cups is amazed by all the options he has.

On the other hand, if you are in a chaotic situation, some tightening may be necessary. No one is happy and productive in a crazy environment. Regularity gives structure to life. Taken to an extreme, the looseness of the Seven of Cups can lead to harmful patterns of decadence, addiction and self-indulgence.

Sometimes the laziness applies to your thoughts and dreams. It is easy to wish for something, but not so easy to make that wish come true. When you see this card, make sure that you are backing up your plans with work and effort. Tighten up your life and commit yourself to doing what it takes to reach your goals ... even if it means (sigh) cleaning house.

Friday, May 11, 2007



In some situations, you must focus on yourself. When life is too stressful, you need to devote time and energy to yourself or you will feel swamped. The Four of Cups can represent a positive period of self-reflection and renewal. By taking the time to go within to dream, muse and reflect, you restore your emotional balance.

The Four of Cups is sometimes a sign of apathy. You don't really care much about anything. Your life seems stale and flat because you've lost interest in the activities that used to bring you pleasure. You're not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction. At such times, the Four of Cups can show that you're stuck emotionally. You need something to focus on that will so engage your mind and heart that your path down river becomes clear again. Open yourself to your surroundings. Soon you will be on your way again.

Thursday, May 10, 2007



exercising authority
  • taking a leadership role
  • commanding
  • exerting control
  • representing the establishment
  • being in a position of strength
  • coming in contact with officials
  • setting direction

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


塔羅牌,唔係用嚟預言,只係俾一 D 生活啟示你,當中可能有 D 人生哲理。日日抽一隻,就變咗一個一個嘅溫韾提示。就好似呢隻牌咁,係時候同朋友聚一聚,只係,呢排一定唔燒得嘢食。

In readings, the Three of Cups can signify a friend or the feelings associated with friendship. This card can represent community - the network of support created when we interact with others. It can be any group in which the members feel a bond. When you see the Three of Cups, examine your attachments to the groups in your life from an emotional point of view. Consider reaching out to give or receive help. This card stands for all forms of support, including formal aid such as counseling and other social services.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


真係講故仔咩! 之前叫我辭職,今日話我會面對人生交叉點。係谷氣 D 啫,未去到要辭職呢一步...

The Lovers can indicate a moral or ethical crossroads - a decision point where you must choose between the high road or the low road. This card can also represent your personal beliefs because to make such a decision you must know where you stand. Following your own path can mean going against those who are urging you in a direction that is wrong for you.