Monday, April 30, 2007


明明係開正牌,但係好似中反牌嘅意思... 唔通個方向錯咗?

Tarot Cards - Temperance
Temperance (Temperance)
The Daughter of the Reconcilers; The Bringer Forth of Life

Card Number: 14
Key Number: 25
Rulership: Sagittarius
Hebrew Letter: Samech
Translation: Prop
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Combination. Co-operation. Co-ordination. Innovation through combination. Diplomacy. Successful Negotiations. Maturity in dealing with certain matters. A placid, balanced temperament and good outlook. Meaning literally, temperance in the sense of harmony and balance. good management. An ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Imbalance. Volatility. Poor judgement. fickle decisions. Conflicting interests. Physical stress. Disagreements. Restlessness and instability. trying to combine too many or the wrong elements in too short an expanse of time.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


今次開到反牌,D 傷風就完全發晒出嚟,好辛苦吓!

Tarot Cards - The Chariot
The Chariot (Le Chariot)
The Child of the Powers of the Waters; The Lord of the Triumph of Light

Card Number: 7
Key Number: 18
Rulership: Cancer
Hebrew Letter: Cheth
Translation: Fenced or Enclosed Field
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Triumph over adversity, overcoming life's obstacles, decisiveness and ambition in achieving one's goals, well deserved victory. A period of struggle ending in worldly success. Self control, effort, perseverance. Working within the boundaries of one's life to build up a successful existence.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - A disregard for others, envy, avarice. Loss of control and chaos in one's personal life possibly due to personal flaws. Imbalance. Destruction. A warning against overwhelming ambition and high expectations. The continuation of outdated ideas and traditions.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


呢隻牌好似唔係好代表到乜嘢,唔通係指學車可以 control 到架車? 但係個師傅話我仲係麻麻咋喎...

Tarot Cards - Strength or Fortitude
Strength (La Force)
The Daughter of the Flaming Sword

Card Number: 8
Key Number: 19
Rulership: Leo
Hebrew Letter: Teth
Translation: Serpent
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Courage. Self control. The virtue of Fortitude. The power of love. Control of passion against one's baser instincts. Determination. Generosity. Strength and power under control. Energy. Optimism. Generosity, resolve and reconciliation.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Power wrongly used. Defeat. Lack of willpower. Feelings of inadequacy. Pessimism. Surrender to unworthy impulses. Tyranny. Concession. Inability to act.

Friday, April 27, 2007


今日搬 Office, 噚晚抽到呢隻牌,係巧合,定抑或真係咁準? 買咗幅牌十年,係時候去學吓。

Tarot Cards - The World
The World (Le Monde)
The Great One of the Night of Time

Card Number: 21
Key Number: 32
Rulership: Saturn
Hebrew Letter: Tau
Translation: Cross
Numerical Value: 9

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Accomplishment. Fulfillment. Completion of a personal cycle, project, series of events or chapter in life. Success. A culmination of events. A sense of repleteness.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Frustration. Completion delayed. Sometimes fear of change. Inability to bring something to a satisfactory end. resistance to change. Lack of trust. Despite appearances to the contrary, an indication that events have not yet come to a conclusion but are nearing completion. Hesitation.