Monday, April 30, 2007


明明係開正牌,但係好似中反牌嘅意思... 唔通個方向錯咗?

Tarot Cards - Temperance
Temperance (Temperance)
The Daughter of the Reconcilers; The Bringer Forth of Life

Card Number: 14
Key Number: 25
Rulership: Sagittarius
Hebrew Letter: Samech
Translation: Prop
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Combination. Co-operation. Co-ordination. Innovation through combination. Diplomacy. Successful Negotiations. Maturity in dealing with certain matters. A placid, balanced temperament and good outlook. Meaning literally, temperance in the sense of harmony and balance. good management. An ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Imbalance. Volatility. Poor judgement. fickle decisions. Conflicting interests. Physical stress. Disagreements. Restlessness and instability. trying to combine too many or the wrong elements in too short an expanse of time.

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