Saturday, May 5, 2007


又抽到同一張牌,應該係指我學車嘅事。今日其實都犯咗唔少錯,包括 rights of way, 手掣無拉實,放唔晒個手掣,同埋用咗手掣刹車。要注意多 D 手掣嘅運用先得。
This card can also show the need for meticulous attention. People who are painstaking are often dismissed as nit-pickers, but their extra effort ensures everything is as it should be. It's a matter of caring - taking the time to check the little details. Now is not the time to be slipshod or casual. Look for errors, and tie up loose ends. The key to success is an extraordinary effort. Whatever your task, the Eight of Pentacles tells you to give it your all in every way.

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