Monday, May 21, 2007


今日考車 Pass 咗,跟住個師傅問玩唔玩埋個「金牌路路通」,嘅然隻牌話話可以玩吓嘅,咪陪佢玩囉。

The Page of Swords asks you to embrace these difficult situations. Think of them as trials designed to test your mettle. If you accept and prevail, you will become stronger and more resilient. In meeting these challenges, you are encouraged to use the tools of the Swords suit - honest, reason, integrity and fortitude.

The Page of Swords can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve truthfulness, ethical behavior, discouragement or matters of the mind. This relationship is likely to be troubled or difficult in keeping with the challenges of the Swords suit.

Sometimes the Page of Swords implies that your entire situation is one suffused with the spirit of learning, discovery, and mental activities of all kinds. At such times, use your mind and enjoy the delights of the intellect.

Monday, May 14, 2007


睇見呢隻牌,直覺上係指好多誘惑,但如果依書直說,就係要保持亂中有序,維持平衡,又或者... 清理吓間房...

When the Seven of Cups appears in a reading, it is important to look carefully at how disordered your situation is. Is everything too controlled and regular? Perhaps you need to let things fall apart a little. When a rigid system breaks up, there can be a tremendous release of creativity. The man on the Seven of Cups is amazed by all the options he has.

On the other hand, if you are in a chaotic situation, some tightening may be necessary. No one is happy and productive in a crazy environment. Regularity gives structure to life. Taken to an extreme, the looseness of the Seven of Cups can lead to harmful patterns of decadence, addiction and self-indulgence.

Sometimes the laziness applies to your thoughts and dreams. It is easy to wish for something, but not so easy to make that wish come true. When you see this card, make sure that you are backing up your plans with work and effort. Tighten up your life and commit yourself to doing what it takes to reach your goals ... even if it means (sigh) cleaning house.

Friday, May 11, 2007



In some situations, you must focus on yourself. When life is too stressful, you need to devote time and energy to yourself or you will feel swamped. The Four of Cups can represent a positive period of self-reflection and renewal. By taking the time to go within to dream, muse and reflect, you restore your emotional balance.

The Four of Cups is sometimes a sign of apathy. You don't really care much about anything. Your life seems stale and flat because you've lost interest in the activities that used to bring you pleasure. You're not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction. At such times, the Four of Cups can show that you're stuck emotionally. You need something to focus on that will so engage your mind and heart that your path down river becomes clear again. Open yourself to your surroundings. Soon you will be on your way again.

Thursday, May 10, 2007



exercising authority
  • taking a leadership role
  • commanding
  • exerting control
  • representing the establishment
  • being in a position of strength
  • coming in contact with officials
  • setting direction

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


塔羅牌,唔係用嚟預言,只係俾一 D 生活啟示你,當中可能有 D 人生哲理。日日抽一隻,就變咗一個一個嘅溫韾提示。就好似呢隻牌咁,係時候同朋友聚一聚,只係,呢排一定唔燒得嘢食。

In readings, the Three of Cups can signify a friend or the feelings associated with friendship. This card can represent community - the network of support created when we interact with others. It can be any group in which the members feel a bond. When you see the Three of Cups, examine your attachments to the groups in your life from an emotional point of view. Consider reaching out to give or receive help. This card stands for all forms of support, including formal aid such as counseling and other social services.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


真係講故仔咩! 之前叫我辭職,今日話我會面對人生交叉點。係谷氣 D 啫,未去到要辭職呢一步...

The Lovers can indicate a moral or ethical crossroads - a decision point where you must choose between the high road or the low road. This card can also represent your personal beliefs because to make such a decision you must know where you stand. Following your own path can mean going against those who are urging you in a direction that is wrong for you.

Monday, May 7, 2007


未睇個解釋嘅時候,以為要搵一 D 失去咗嘅嘢。但睇咗個解釋嘅呢一句:
Moving on can mean a physical change such as leaving a job, location or relationship.
個心寒咗一寒,唔係咁邪啩,剛剛搬完 office, 買埋新機,就叫我搵過份工? 再睇返 Actions 嗰 part, 我諗係叫我做 looking for answers 呢件事啩! 今最其實都執咗 D software license, 做咗少少 R&D 去搵 solution, 唔知叫唔叫中呢?


seeking deeper meaning
focusing on personal truth
leaving the rat race
looking for answers
concentrating on what is important
starting on a journey of discovery
finding out the facts
devoting more time to the spiritual

moving on
realizing the current cycle is over
abandoning a hopeless situation
disentangling yourself
starting on a trip of unknown length
letting go
finishing up and walking away

growing weary
feeling drained by demands
dragging through the day
feeling tired and listless
lacking energy
losing hope
getting weighed down by worries
becoming burned out

OPPOSING CARDS: Some Possibilities

REINFORCING CARDS: Some Possibilities


A psychologist friend once told me that when a group is ready to break up, the members give off subtle signs to that effect. They display a certain restlessness. They arrive late to meetings, communicate less and seem distracted. At some level the participants know it is time to move on, but they need a while to work up to that final step.

This process applies in many situations where an ending is approaching. Nothing is permanent in life. Sooner or later, everything slips away...or we slip away from it. The Eight of Cups stands for those moments when we realize, once and for all, that the past is gone. What was true is no longer true. The signs of change are in our face, and we must accept them. It is time to move on.

Moving on can mean a physical change such as leaving a job, location or relationship. It can also mean an inner change - releasing old patterns, especially those that have dominated our thoughts and emotions. On the Eight of Cups, we see a man leaving on a journey. He has turned away from his old feelings (cups/river) to strike out on a new path. Sometimes moving on can mean searching for a deeper truth or reality. One day we wake up and realize that we have been asleep in our own lives - living a dream that no longer satisfies.

Some changes can be wearying. Endings are not always easy. One of the signs of a readiness to leave is lack of energy. When you feel tired and dispirited, you know that something is wrong, and it's time for a new direction. Reexamine your life and your priorities. You will find where in your life you need to move on.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


今日呢隻牌俾唔到乜嘢 tips, 因為留咗响屋企瞓...

Saturday, May 5, 2007


又抽到同一張牌,應該係指我學車嘅事。今日其實都犯咗唔少錯,包括 rights of way, 手掣無拉實,放唔晒個手掣,同埋用咗手掣刹車。要注意多 D 手掣嘅運用先得。
This card can also show the need for meticulous attention. People who are painstaking are often dismissed as nit-pickers, but their extra effort ensures everything is as it should be. It's a matter of caring - taking the time to check the little details. Now is not the time to be slipshod or casual. Look for errors, and tie up loose ends. The key to success is an extraordinary effort. Whatever your task, the Eight of Pentacles tells you to give it your all in every way.

Friday, May 4, 2007



The Eight of Pentacles can also symbolize the impulse to learn
- to broaden horizons (to use an old-fashioned term). Sometimes we need to develop new skills. We do research, dig out facts or search for expertise. The Hermit is looking for inner knowledge. The man on the Eight of Pentacles seeks external knowledge - the how and why of the material world.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Tarot Cards - The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man (Le Pendu)
The Spirit of the Mighty Waters

Card Number: 12
Key Number: 23
Rulership: Water
Hebrew Letter: Mem
Translation: Water
Numerical Value: 3

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Devotion to a worthwhile cause. Temporary suspension of progress. Flexibility of mind and a willingness to adapt to changes. Sacrifice in the present to reap benefit in the future. A waiting period. Rebirth. Sacrificing one thing to obtain another. Transformation. Circumstances literally turned on their head.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Loss. Lack of commitment. Preoccupation with selfish and material things. Despite drawbacks a preference for the status quo. Oppression. Apathy in pursuit of goals. Taking the view 'Better the devil you know'. Failure to act with an inability to move forward or progress.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


又抽到呢張,今日唯一 under control 嘅,係搵到人做嘢...

Tarot Cards - Strength or Fortitude
Strength (La Force)
The Daughter of the Flaming Sword

Card Number: 8
Key Number: 19
Rulership: Leo
Hebrew Letter: Teth
Translation: Serpent
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Courage. Self control. The virtue of Fortitude. The power of love. Control of passion against one's baser instincts. Determination. Generosity. Strength and power under control. Energy. Optimism. Generosity, resolve and reconciliation.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Power wrongly used. Defeat. Lack of willpower. Feelings of inadequacy. Pessimism. Surrender to unworthy impulses. Tyranny. Concession. Inability to act.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007



Tarot Cards - The Fool
The Fool (Le Mat)
The Spirit of the Aether

Card Number: 0
Key Number: 11
Rulership: Air
Hebrew Letter: Aleph
Translation: Ox
Numerical Value: 3

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Beginnings, most probably of journeys which may be possibly mental, physical or spiritual. The beginning of a new life-cycle. Energy, force, happiness and optimism. The overturning of the status quo or existing states by unexpected happenings. Innocence, naivety, and spontaneity. Important decisions to be made.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Ill advised risks, impulsive action, choices and rash decisions. Foolishness, gambling, instability and the wasting or frittering way of creative energy. A bad time for commitments and can be an indication of someone who starts many new things but never finishes them. They may also consistently seek changes in their environment or job.

Monday, April 30, 2007


明明係開正牌,但係好似中反牌嘅意思... 唔通個方向錯咗?

Tarot Cards - Temperance
Temperance (Temperance)
The Daughter of the Reconcilers; The Bringer Forth of Life

Card Number: 14
Key Number: 25
Rulership: Sagittarius
Hebrew Letter: Samech
Translation: Prop
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Combination. Co-operation. Co-ordination. Innovation through combination. Diplomacy. Successful Negotiations. Maturity in dealing with certain matters. A placid, balanced temperament and good outlook. Meaning literally, temperance in the sense of harmony and balance. good management. An ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Imbalance. Volatility. Poor judgement. fickle decisions. Conflicting interests. Physical stress. Disagreements. Restlessness and instability. trying to combine too many or the wrong elements in too short an expanse of time.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


今次開到反牌,D 傷風就完全發晒出嚟,好辛苦吓!

Tarot Cards - The Chariot
The Chariot (Le Chariot)
The Child of the Powers of the Waters; The Lord of the Triumph of Light

Card Number: 7
Key Number: 18
Rulership: Cancer
Hebrew Letter: Cheth
Translation: Fenced or Enclosed Field
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Triumph over adversity, overcoming life's obstacles, decisiveness and ambition in achieving one's goals, well deserved victory. A period of struggle ending in worldly success. Self control, effort, perseverance. Working within the boundaries of one's life to build up a successful existence.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - A disregard for others, envy, avarice. Loss of control and chaos in one's personal life possibly due to personal flaws. Imbalance. Destruction. A warning against overwhelming ambition and high expectations. The continuation of outdated ideas and traditions.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


呢隻牌好似唔係好代表到乜嘢,唔通係指學車可以 control 到架車? 但係個師傅話我仲係麻麻咋喎...

Tarot Cards - Strength or Fortitude
Strength (La Force)
The Daughter of the Flaming Sword

Card Number: 8
Key Number: 19
Rulership: Leo
Hebrew Letter: Teth
Translation: Serpent
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Courage. Self control. The virtue of Fortitude. The power of love. Control of passion against one's baser instincts. Determination. Generosity. Strength and power under control. Energy. Optimism. Generosity, resolve and reconciliation.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Power wrongly used. Defeat. Lack of willpower. Feelings of inadequacy. Pessimism. Surrender to unworthy impulses. Tyranny. Concession. Inability to act.

Friday, April 27, 2007


今日搬 Office, 噚晚抽到呢隻牌,係巧合,定抑或真係咁準? 買咗幅牌十年,係時候去學吓。

Tarot Cards - The World
The World (Le Monde)
The Great One of the Night of Time

Card Number: 21
Key Number: 32
Rulership: Saturn
Hebrew Letter: Tau
Translation: Cross
Numerical Value: 9

Divinatory meaning
Upright - Accomplishment. Fulfillment. Completion of a personal cycle, project, series of events or chapter in life. Success. A culmination of events. A sense of repleteness.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Frustration. Completion delayed. Sometimes fear of change. Inability to bring something to a satisfactory end. resistance to change. Lack of trust. Despite appearances to the contrary, an indication that events have not yet come to a conclusion but are nearing completion. Hesitation.